Spray polyurethane, also known as spray polyurethane foam or spray foam insulation, is a type of insulation material used in building construction:

Here are some key features of spray polyurethane:

  • Composition and application: Spray polyurethane is composed of two chemical components that react rapidly together when mixed. This reaction creates an expansive foam. The foam is applied in layers, usually with a spray gun, to the surfaces to be insulated.
  • Thermal insulation: One of the main uses of spray polyurethane is thermal insulation. It forms a continuous barrier that helps maintain interior temperature by reducing heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer.
  • Air and water tightness: In addition to its insulating properties, spray polyurethane foam offers excellent air tightness and can also act as a moisture barrier, reducing the risk of water infiltration and condensation.
  • Adhesion and flexibility: This foam adheres well to a variety of materials, such as wood, metal and concrete, and can be applied to different surfaces, including walls, ceilings, roofs, and around windows and doors.
  • Durability and strength: Spray polyurethane is strong and durable. It won’t sag or decompose over time, making it a durable choice for insulation.
  • Energy efficiency: By improving a building’s thermal insulation, spray polyurethane can help reduce energy consumption and heating and cooling costs.
  • Cost: The initial cost of spray polyurethane may be higher than that of other insulating materials, but it can offer long-term savings thanks to its durability and energy efficiency.

Spray polyurethane is widely used in new construction and renovations to improve energy efficiency and building comfort.
